Jen Armistead

Jen’s yoga journey began with several years of stops and starts until she embraced a daily practice to help her process grief and live through loss. Her discovery of Rocket Vinyasa and a love for arm balances and inversions accelerated that transformative process, and yoga took hold. Jen teaches dynamic, energetic vinyasa that draws from the core values and traditions of Ashtanga Yoga while also creating space for students’ individual control to expand and grow their own personal practice using the Rocket Vinyasa method. She strives to meet her students where they are, encouraging modification and acceptance as well as creativity and play. Expect to breathe, sweat, laugh, and try new things, with plenty of opportunities for arm balances and inversions along the way.

She has completed a 200-hour vinyasa yoga teaching certification and an additional 100 hours of training with David Kyle and Kevin Castillo to become a Certified Rocket Vinyasa Teacher. She has also completed a Service and Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher Training Program with Lara Land. You’ll find her in the Mysore room for moving meditation, practicing with the local Rocket community, or teaching Rocket Vinyasa at Karma Yoga in Falls Church, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C.