Samuel Nwokeka

You're stronger than you think you are - L Shultz

Samuel first came to know Rocket in 2015, he was hooked from his first class. After practicing for 9 months he felt the pull big enough to head to India and complete a 200 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa and Rocket Teacher Training with The Yoga People.

After coming back to London Samuel continued his passion for sharing yoga all over London, and quickly became recognised by students and peers.

Over the past years Samuel has since gone on to complete Advanced Trainings in Mandala Vinyasa, Yin Yoga and further Rocket Trainings with David Kyle and The Yoga People.

2019 saw Samuel leave London and open a yoga studio in Manchester, it becoming the go-to yoga studio for yogis across Manchester.

Samuel is a lead teacher trainer on Foundation and Advanced teacher trainings, as well as teaching retreats around the world. His passion for sharing knowledge and thirst for continuous learning means that he is always developing and growing as a teacher and student.

His love for Rocket is evident when you practice his classes, and he is eternally grateful to all of his teachers. Even though he never met Larry, he has come to know and love Larry through the practice of Rocket.

If you are ever in Manchester be sure to check out yoga soul
