Diego García Sotomoro

keep your inner child

My encounter with  rocket happened by chance, and like many things out of curiosity, coincidence and synchrony.

Exploring videos about early yoga records shot on celluloid, found the legendary and amazing videos of Krishnamacharya, crossing then with Iyengar and all the vast material, also Pattabhi Jois at yogaworks LA, with those who would later be the icon seeds in the West.

Out there a video emerged that seemed peculiar to me, a guy  floating whith huge earrings said something about Rocket. As a recent graduate film student and regularly doing yoga in a gym all that movements was far away to my chances but I was definitely inspired. I think David resonated with something more real and close to me, as it wasn’t within the framework of legendary masters Pattabhi Jois, but simply him practicing, also the fact I though he was from Puerto Rico, “latino”. LOL

Time passed and eventually I left gym yoga to practice different systems Sivananda, Iyengar, Power Yoga and finally Ashtanga. In the endless search and feeling a little stronger and curious also with some fundamental readings above. I revisited David’s videos and then his website. It was there that a good synchrony happened and I saw that one of her students taught classes very close to where I recently moved. That was how I found Mariana Cisneros. A few weeks after practicing with Mariana, David visited Mexico and I had the opportunity to practice with him a bit.

This is how I enter the Rocket and I like to think about continuity in this spacecraft.
 Larry, David, Mariana.