Cadie Bridges-Palmer

Yoga is for Every Body

I was introduced to yoga around 1988, not realizing that yoga was a thing that people did for fun. During my decade of training as a competitive gymnast, a dance teacher offered yoga and meditation techniques to help us stay calm and focused during competitions. I came back to yoga seeking a way to maintain strength and flexibility, while being gentle on my damaged joints. After years of playing along to VHS tapes and DVDs, I was lucky to stumble upon the thriving wellness community in Baltimore.
I have been teaching in Baltimore since 2014, and have hundreds of continuing education hours in Rocket (Steve Pyka, Patrick McCleaf), Ashtanga (David Garrigues), Yin (Jessie Kates), and Trauma-Informed (The BodyWise Institute) yoga.
My style of teaching is very physical—based heavily in anatomy and alignment—I speak often of the importance of balancing effort and ease. I encourage students to take what they learn about themselves in the studio and apply it to the world around them.