Daniel Ferraez

Yoga Content Creator

Hi! I’m a mexican yoga teacher and content creator.

In my 7 years as a yoga studeny my main practice has always been Rocket. I love the combination of discipline and creativity you can find in this amazing practice.

I love posting my content online across all social media platforms. (You can find me as @yogui_dan), where I share lots of tips and tricks on how to lead a more wholesome, mindful and wellbeing driven life.

My asana yoga clases are strong and dynamic but with a deep focus on self exploration and being present. I believe every student is capable of so much more than they imagine and the Rocket is the perfect way to discover just that.

I have trained for more than 300+ hr with David Kyle as a Rocket Teacher. Including trainings in Mexico City, Austin, Puerto Rico and Lisbon.

You can find me online and in Mexico City (when I am not traveling the world hehe)

Fun Fact: I am a huge fan of The Grateful Dead since before my Rocket practice (so that was a cool bonus of the Rocket for me)