Blazenka, aka Blaze, first started practicing yoga in 2012 and it was not long after that she stepped into her first Rocket Yoga class. She loved the flow of the class and how she was able to see progress in her practice each time she stepped onto the mat. She was also a big fan of all the opportunities to add inversions and arm balances – especially since most other yoga classes did not offer many chances to go upside-down.
Blaze completed her first 200hr YTT in 2017 and quickly followed up with a second 200hr YTT in 2019. In that time, she also found a local yoga community, Rocket Yoga YEG, and quickly became more immersed in practicing Rocket and teaching Rocket-inspired classes. Blazenka currently has over 100 hours of Rocket yoga training and is always looking to expand her practice and share what she learns with other practitioners.
Follow Blaze on IG @blaze_yoga or on her website