Anna-Cathrine Groenkjaer (AC)

AC Groenkjaer

AC amongst friends,


AC first met yoga in 2011 and started out attending a few classes here and there until one day she became hooked and yoga eventually became a part of everyday life.


Having practiced for some years is 2016 she attended her first teacher training, and since then she’s attended a range of teachings and continue to build her knowledge within the physical as wells as the philosophical part of the practice. She’s a big geek!


AC is drawn by playful and creative practices and has trainings in Anusara, Rasa Yoga, Mythic Yoga flow, Mandala and Rocket yoga practices.

Additionally AC attends ongoing trainings in philosophy and yoga history and yoga and social activism.


Besides teaching yoga AC is a partner of a consultancy, where she has applied some of the key teachings of yoga to shape the vision and goals of the company.


When AC met rocket vinyasa it was like a kid coming to a new playground: Lots of fun! A bit scary, but with many new friends to cheer and support. The fear of falling transformed into the joy of flying.


AC’s teaching philosophy is to create a brave space. A space which seeks to empower her students to find their courage to play and strive for their full potential.


In her classes, workshops and events you will find a holistic combination of creative asana sequencing, mantra, mudra, storytelling and pranayama designed to trigger your curiosity and kindle your courage.


In AC’s rocket classes she aims to stay true to the roots of the rocket system with a few carefully selected additions.