Alice Padron

Alice first started practicing Yoga from a young age with her dad who often practiced Hatha and meditation. She then found her way back to Yoga when she moved to London from Tenerife at 18. She was curious and wanted to develop a self practice at home. Fast forward a few years later she had developed an intuitive self practice that  drew from different styles like Ashtanga, Hatha, Vinyasa,  and inspired by different classes and teachers. She wanted to learn more and dive deeper into the practice so decided to go for a month to Goa, India to do her 200h YTT with The Yoga People in Ashtanga + Rocket .

Now Alice teaches full time in London and has trained in different styles like Yin, Mandala Vinyasa, as well as Rocket Vinyasa with David Kyle. Her favourite practice and class to teach is Rocket Vinyasa, there’s something about the freedom and playfulness of the practice that truly connects with her.

Alice’s classes will encourage you to listen to your inner teacher. Her style is dynamic, playful and challenging. She believes in making her classes accessible to everybody, from beginners to the more experienced practitioner. Expect to be inspired to try new things.

As well as Yoga Alice also teaches Barre, she loves skateboarding, and plays in a band.

”I’m forever grateful for Yoga, all my teachers and the ones that came before them. Special thank you to my teachers Jamie and Dulce (The Yoga People), David Kyle and Marcus Veda”.