Lucia Campanella
Lucia is a passionate yoga teacher with an Environmental Engineer background, she started studing energy and later in the future she discovered Prana!
In 2014 she found Ashtanga Yoga during a trip in Costa Rica, and she immediately felt in love with this dynamic sequence which was the first moment of absolute concentration of her mind.
Lucia experimented one of Patanjali’s most important sutras “Yoga chittra vritti niroda” and realized how the coordination of breath and movement (vinyasa), the use of the deep muscles of the abdomen (bhanda) and the gaze in a specific point (drishti) are the keys to concentrate the mind.
In 2016, Lucia began her career as a certified instructor by attending a 200-hours training with the Yoga Suite School in Rome and she specialized in Vinyasa, then she started studying Ashtanga , she attended various workshops in Rome and around Europe with various teachers (Petri Rasisenen, David Robson etc) and after meeting Ricardo Martin and Kunkanit Phrombut (Joy) in Bali, two Larry Shultz students, she started studing Rocket and discovered this magic practise!
Then she started studing with David Kyle and Christiane Terrone in Italy and with other certified teachers in Spain as well.
After this she dedicated her studies only in Rocket and traditional Asthanga.
She loves the Rocket because is a dynamic sequence that increases the stamina puryfing body and mind, and is adaptable to everybody and to creative minds.
In 2022 she founded her Ashtanga Yoga School in Marsala (Italy) where you can pratice Rocket®, Asthanga and more.
You can find her on Instagram as @ashtanagamarsala